Introducing for the first time!!

These oil drain plug gaskets are designed to specific sizes and standards for reliable replacement at every oil change.

  • Direct replacement – these engine oil drain plug gaskets are made to match the fit and performance of the original equipment components
  • Restores functionality – built to restore a proper seal in order to to prevent oil leakages.
  • Durable construction – KIBI gaskets are made from quality materials to ensure reliable performance and long service life
  • Trustworthy quality – backed by team of product experts in Japan with decades of automotive experience
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Akebono has been developing and manufacturing brake products for automobiles since the company was founded in 1929. Sales of automotive products, including motorcycles, account for more than 95% of total sales. Main products are disc brakes and drum brakes, and the corresponding friction material, which are the brake pads and brake linings, respectively.

Market share for OEM (for automobile manufacturing plants) is about 46%* in Japan and about 21%* globally. These figures serve as testament of the trust we won from our customers. Technology refined through developing automotive products are now being applied to brake products for other areas of transportation, such as rolling stock and industrial machinery. Furthermore, Akebono also develops and manufactures sensor products which harness the vibration-analysis technologies of brakes. Akebono is aggressively opening up new business opportunities in the infrastructure and mobility fields with these products.

At the heart of Akebono’s business are brake products for automobiles. Akebono globally develops and manufactures, friction parts including brake pads and brake linings, as well as mechanical parts such as disc brakes and drum brakes. The market share of disc brake pads for automobiles is about 46%* in Japan. Moreover, technology refined through the development of products for automobiles are put to full use for other braking needs, such as motorcycles, rolling stock, and industrial machinery. Furthermore, Akebono develops and manufactures sensor products which harnesses the vibration-analysis technologies of brakes. Akebono aggressively seeks business opportunities in the infrastructure and mobility fields with these products.

Akebono is the brake pad of highest quality available in Sri Lanka currently that of made in Japan. Please visit the official akebono website for more information.

Asia | Global Operations | Corporate Information | Akebono Brake Industry  Co., Ltd.

Akebono Brake (Thailand) CO.,LTD. - MFair2016

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There are a few things to verify:

  • The sticky post should be distinctly recognizable in some way in comparison to normal posts. You can style the .sticky class if you are using the post_class() function to generate your post classes, which is a best practice.
  • They should show at the very top of the blog index page, even though they could be several posts back chronologically.
  • They should still show up again in their chronologically correct postion in time, but without the sticky indicator.
  • If you have a plugin or widget that lists popular posts or comments, make sure that this sticky post is not always at the top of those lists unless it really is popular.
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Aliquam Eget Sapien Placerat Habibital

this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content… this is testing content…

Bloquote are special and important factor for testing the layout for blog

Now we can test some more elements like

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four
  5. five
  6. six
  7. seven
  8. eight
  9. nine
  10. ten
  11. eleven
  12. twelve

Here are few more

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 111

And this sums up a lots of things.

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Pellentesque Habitant Morbi

Fusce ac pharetra urna. Duis non lacus sit amet lacus interdum facilisis sed non est. Ut mi metus, semper eu dictum nec, condimentum sed sapien. Nullam lobortis nunc semper ipsum luctus ut viverra ante eleifend. Nunc pretium velit sed augue luctus accumsan.

Aliquam laoreet consequat malesuada. Integer vitae diam sed dolor euismod laoreet eget ac felis. Donec non erat sed elit bibendum sodales. Donec eu cursus velit. Proin nunc lacus, gravida mollis dictum ut, vulputate eu turpis. Sed felis sapien, commodo in iaculis in, feugiat sed enim. Sed nunc ipsum, fermentum varius dignissim vitae, blandit et ante.Maecenas sagittis, lorem sed congue egestas, lectus purus congue nisl, ac molestie enim ligula nec eros. Sed leo tortor, tincidunt sit amet elementum vel, eleifend at orci. Maecenas ut turpis felis. Donec sit amet quam sem, et aliquet est.

Quisque nisl lectus, accumsan et euismod eu, sollicitudin ac augue. In sit amet urna magna. Curabitur imperdiet urna nec purus egestas eget aliquet purus iaculis. Nunc porttitor blandit imperdiet. Nulla facilisi. Cras odio ipsum, vehicula nec vehicula sed, convallis scelerisque quam. Phasellus ut odio dui, ut fermentum neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte adipiscing elit. Integer aliquam mi nec dolor placerat a condimentum diam mollis. Ut pulvinar neque eget massa dapibus dolor.Curabitur at vestibulum sem. Aliquam vehicula neque ac nibh suscipit ultrices. Morbi interdum accumsan arcu nec scelerisque. Phasellus eget purus nulla. Suspendisse quam est, tempor quis consectetur non, interdum vitae diam. Pellentesque volutpat mollis ligula in laoreet. Aenean est dui, sagittis in consequat at, adipiscing at risus. Sed suscipit, est vitae aliquam molestie, sem dolor dignissim leo, eget imperdiet enim urna in justo. Mauris pulvinar tortor lorem. Aliquam sed nisl in ipsum tincidunt ultrices.

Nullam commodo lobortis nibh, vitae accumsan velit dapibus sed. Nunc ac sem eu libero pretium faucib. Quisque et semper odio. Praesent tortor ligula, imperdiet sed aliquet ut, pharetra at nisi. Etiam sit amet molestie est. Donec id turpis vitae leo viverra adipiscing at sed nisi. Donec ut justo nunc. Vivamu bibendum erat ac nunc sollicitudin lacinia. Phasellus sed lacus magna.

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Donec vulputate vulputate sem, nec elementum augue blandit non. Morbi a erat lectus. Proin non sagittis dui. Donec dapibus ex enim, nec euismod nibh vehicula at. nteger eget diam ante. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque sollicitudin quam vel dolor ultrices, vel facilisis nisi hendrerit. Vivamus maximus ornare vulputate. Etiam faucibus eget nunc vitae pretium. Praesent vel orci finibus odio iaculis tincidunt nec at neque. Sed eget magna tempus, iaculis velit at, dictum lectus. Donec condimentum felis neque, in tristique tortor ultricies interdum. Vestibulum nec nulla et nisi eleifend dapibus in sed nibh. Duis lacus nibh, iaculis quis molestie vitae, vehicula eu arcu.

Nulla facilisi. Aliquam nibh velit, dapibus sit amet orci eu, ornare iaculis arcu. Fusce magna elit, viverra vel suscipit mollis, pulvinar at sapien. Fusce tincidunt accumsan augue, sed dapibus ligula facilisis ac. Donec eu vulputate ipsum. Cras diam dui, varius vel elit ac, pretium blandit urna. Donec enim eros, viverra feugiat lorem non, vulputate viverra metus. Sed a purus sapien. Vivamus auctor lacus velit, sit amet auctor felis tempus in. Integer cursus pellentesque sapien, id blandit leo. Vivamus blandit feugiat sapien, sed convallis eros dignissim at.

– Mollis massa.

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